Registration » Open Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Open Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Per Ed Code 35160.5b, the PUSD Board of Education has established a policy allowing families currently attending our schools to apply to have their student attend a different Paramount Unified school. Spots are offered on space available.  If requests exceed spaces available, a random lottery will be conducted. You must submit an application request to be considered. 

Students currently enrolled in grades K-8 are eligible for Open Enrollment. 

Only one school may be requested each year. 

Great!  You do not have to do anything!  This is only for families who are requesting to attend a different school. 

No.  Once you are placed through open enrollment, then the student remains there for the rest of their time in that school and will matriculate into the feeder middle school if they are in elementary unless you do an open enrollment request in a future year that is granted. 

Spots are offered based on space availability at each school. If there are more applicants than spots available, a lottery will be held to assign available spots and a waiting list will be created for the remaining applicants. 

No, PUSD does not provide transportation to students in the Open Enrollment program. Parents should consider the distance from home to the school requested and alternate transportation options when submitting an Open Enrollment application. 

Each student must have it’s own application.  Siblings may be given priority however, it is not guaranteed as each grade level may have different numbers and we cannot exceed max capacity. 

After the Open Enrollment period, you will receive an email which will notify you of one of the following: 

  • There is space at the requested school and your student is offered a spot. The email will contain a link that will allow you to accept or decline the offer. You will have 10-days to accept the spot. 
  • If space is not available at this time, your student will be placed on a waiting list. The email will contain a link that will allow you to check your student’s current position on the waiting list. 

You may put in for an intradistrict transfer request after the Open Enrollment period has ended (after February 28)