Registration » Residency Based on Parent Employment (Allen Bill)

Residency Based on Parent Employment (Allen Bill)

What Qualifies for Allen Bill Enrollment? 

In accordance with PUSD Administrative Regulation 5111.11, Residency Based on Parent/Guardian Employment, allows District residency status to be granted to a student, on a space available basis, if at least one parent/guardian is employed by a business that is physically located within the attendance boundaries of theDistrictfor a minimum of 10 hours per week during the normal school day.   

For purposes of this regulation,“Parent/Guardian”means the natural or adoptive parent or legal guardian of a dependent child. 


Click here to enroll now!

“Normal School Day”shall be 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 


“Attendance Boundaries of the District”is limited to only the official district boundaries of the school district. For more information about these areas,click here. 


Submit Required Documents Electronically 

There are several documents required to establish/verify parental employment, establish the relationship to the student and other student information.    


Monitor the Application Status 

Review the status of the application, including communication and follow up items, as needed. Applications will not be processed until all required documents are submitted and verified by staff. Incomplete applications will receive weekly reminder notices of outstanding issues.   


Required Documents Regarding the Student(initial application only):


  • Proof of student's age: (select from one of the following)  
    • A certified copy of a birth certificate 
    • Statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth 
    • A duly attested baptism certificate
    • Passport
    • Previous school records or medical records showing date of birth 

For children born in Los Angeles County, you can order viaemailorschedule an in person appointment 


Student’s Recent Report Card/Transcript 

Submit the most recent report card to validate the current grade level and course progress.    

If the student is transferring to high school, submit a recent transcript, showing graduation status and credits received to date. Contact the current/previous school for guidance on that process. 


Student’s IEP or 504 Plan, if applicable 

Does the student receive special services that are identified and agreed upon in a plan?   

Submit a copy of the most recent plan so we may work with the Pupil Services department to verify there is space available in the programs that best support your child. 

Required Documents Regarding Parent Employment (one of the following): 

Letter From the Employer 

An original letter on official business letter head, a letter from the employer, dated within 60 days of the application

needs to include:  

    • Work location, days and hours 
    • Hand-signed bythe employer/supervisor/Human Resources 
    • Businesscard of the signer 


Recent Pay Stub 

Submit a copy of a recent pay stub (within 60 days) that shows: 

    • Hours paid and duration (week/biweekly/monthly, etc.) showing a minimum of 10 hours/week 
    • Show correlation to business physically located in PVPUSD boundaries 
    • If the paystub is from a different location outside of the boundaries, a different company than the stated employer, or hub-facility, then a lease agreement or business license for the location MUST also be submitted 
    • The burden of proof is to show that the business is paying local taxes directly to the school district 


W2 or 1099 or other Applicable Tax Document 

Submit the most recent tax document provided by the employer. 

    • If the payee on the tax document is from a different location outside of the boundaries, a different company than the stated employer, or hub-facility, then a lease agreement or business license for the location MUST also be submitted 
    • The burden of proof is to show that the business is paying local taxes directly to the school district 


Are you a new employee to the business?  That’s great! We will forgive this document for the initial year, provided the letter from the employer states your initial start date was within the 2025 calendar year. The following year, however, it WILL BE required, no exceptions. 


Are you self-employed? 

  1. Include a copy of the current business license 
  1. Include a copy of the lease agreementfor the property on which the business is located. 

Are you employed in a private home? 

Thehomeownermust provide two (2) original utility bills.    

The home must be located within the attendance boundaries of the district. For more information, about zoning areas,click here. 


Please visit the Residency Verificationpagefor more information.