2025 - 2026 Request a Transfer (Into or out of the District) - Interdistrict Permit
Thank you for your interest in Paramount Unified School District! The vision of Paramount Unified School District is to create a district where quality education, equity, diversity, and inclusivity are at the core of everything we do. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment with exemplary, highly qualified staff. Through strong partnerships and open communication, we will work collaboratively to empower our students to become successful, resilient, well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.
We are here to assist you with the process of enrolling your student. If you have any questions during this process, please contact the Pupil Services Department at 562-602-6035.
Be prepared to upload the following:
- Approved permit release from the student’s district of residence
- Documentation supporting the reason for requesting the transfer that is indicated in the application
- A copy of the student's most current report card/transcript
- Most current behavior/discipline report
- Most current attendance record
- Most current IEP or Section 504 Plan (if applicable)
The District’s decision to approve or deny a request for an interdistrict permit will be sent via email within 30 calendar days of receiving a request.
What is an interdistrict attendance permit?
An interdistrict transfer permit allows a student who resides within the attendance boundaries of a school district (“district of residence”) to enroll in a school that is located within the attendance boundaries of another school district (“district of enrollment”). The permit must be approved by both districts, and once approved, the student may remain enrolled in the school and does not need to reapply unless one of the following conditions apply:
- Both districts agree, as specified on the permit, that the student must reapply on an annual basis.
- The student has moved and there is now a new district of residence that must grant a permit for the student to continue attendance in the district of enrollment.
- The student wants to transfer to, or is matriculating into, another school in the district of enrollment.
What is the process for obtaining a permit?
Only a parent may request an interdistrict attendance permit. A “parent” means the natural or adoptive parent, the person having legal custody, or other educational rights holder. (EC 46600.1). See below for instructions.
STEP 1: Submit a request and receive approval from your child’s district of residence.
STEP 2: Create a Synergy ParentVue account by clicking on https://synergy.paramount.k12.ca.us/pxp2_oen_login.aspx and complete the registration. You will use this same account for all the students you wish to enroll; only one Synergy account is required for all members of a family. This account will remain active for your child/children’s entire enrollment in PUSD.
STEP 3: Upload all documents including:
- Approved permit from the student’s district of residence
- Documentation supporting the reason for requesting the transfer that is indicated in the application
- A copy of the student's most current report card/transcript
- Most current behavior/discipline report
- Most current attendance record
- Most current IEP or Section 504 Plan (if applicable)
STEP 1: Create a Synergy ParentVue account (if an account does not already exist) at https://synergy.paramount.k12.ca.us/pxp2_oen_login.aspx. Only one ParentVue account is required for all members of your immediate family; you will use this same account for all the students for which a transfer is being sought.
STEP 2: Select Interdistrict Permit (you will choose if you would like to come into the District or if you are requesting to leave the District).
You will be asked to upload documentation supporting the reason for requesting the transfer that is indicated in the application.
STEP 3: If approved, the PUSD will issue a permit that needs to be taken to the district of enrollment.
What are the reasons the PUSD may approve a request out of the District?
The following are the reasons for which the PUSD may approve a request and the documentation/evidence that must be provided to support the reason for the request:
- Complaint filed with the school, district personnel, or local law enforcement agency
- Investigation report from the district or school where the incident(s) occurred, showing that the student meets the definition of a “victim of an act of bullying”, as defined in EC 46600.
- Proof of employment from all parents who reside with the student: copy of most current pay stub (last 30 days); and letter from the employer verifying the schedule (hours and days) and location of employment. If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment and copy of business license or permit.
- Letter from the child care provider containing the following information: child care provider’s name, address and contact information; license number and fees, if applicable; hours of operation and the hours the child would be under their care
- Proof that the child care facility is within district boundaries.
- Letter from the parent explaining the need for the particular child care provider and the for the permit.
- Copy of escrow documents or official lease agreement.
- Copy of the student’s last report card and transcript (or official document) showing the student’s enrollment history at the district of enrollment.
- Copy of the sibling’s last report card and transcript (or official document) showing the student’s enrollment history at the district of enrollment.
- Informational material detailing the specific program in which the student is interested.
- Letter from the parent or student expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable to what is offered in the district of residence.
What are the applicable timelines?
New requests for an interdistrict attendance permit for the upcoming school year may be submitted beginning January 15.
For an interdistrict transfer request received by the PUSD, 15 or fewer calendar days from the first day of school in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the PUSD will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.
For an interdistrict transfer request received by the PUSD more than 15 days before the first day of school in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the District will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the first day of school in the school year for which transfer is sought.
Failure of the parent to meet any timelines established by law and/or PUSD Board policy and regulation will be deemed an abandonment of the request.
What are the reasons a permit could be denied, rescinded, or revoked?
An interdistrict permit may be denied for one or more of the following reasons:
- Lack of space availability (e.g., grade level, specialized program)
- Overcrowding (e.g., class size reduction, negotiated class size limits)
- Additional cost of education the student would exceed the amount of funding received as a result of the transfer
- Determination that the student is unlikely to meet the terms of the agreement based upon previous attendance, academic, or behavior record
- Student is pending disciplinary action or is currently expelled
- False or misleading information was provided on the permit application
An interdistrict permit may be rescinded or revoked under one or more of the following determinations:
- Student repeatedly fails to make appropriate academic efforts
- Student repeatedly fails to abide by school, district, and state attendance policies
- Student repeatedly fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards
- False or misleading information was provided
- Other conditions that occur that would render continuance inadvisable
Existing interdistrict permits will not be rescinded after June 30 following a student’s completion of grade 10 or for any student entering grade 11 or 12 in the subsequent school year. (Education Code 46600)
What is the process for filing an appeal?
If the parent’s initial request is denied, a written notice will be provided, informing the parent of the reason(s) for the denial and the right to appeal to the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) within 30 calendar days from the date of the District’s final denial. For more information about the appeal to the County Board, please visit LACOE’s website, under Appeals, Transfers & Expulsions. Failure of the parent to submit an appeal with LACOE within the 30 calendar days will be deemed an abandonment of the request.
A decision to rescind or revoke a permit may not be appealed. Students who are under consideration for expulsion or who have been expelled may not appeal a denial while expulsion proceedings are pending or during the term of the expulsion.
Other important Information.
When applying, please note that you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
- Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Students admitted into PUSD under an interdistrict attendance permit are assigned to schools where space is available at the discretion and determination of the PUSD Pupil Services Department. The PUSD will attempt to accommodate a parent’s request for a particular school, but the request cannot be guaranteed.
- When there is a change in residence, the parent must notify the school of the change in a timely manner because a new interdistrict attendance permit may need to be submitted for processing.
- Unless required by law or policy, transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
Policy and Regulation
To review the PUSD’s Board policy and administrative regulation on Interdistrict Attendance, please click on the links below.
BP 5117 (9/14/2020)
AR 5117 (9/14/2020)