English Learners Program » WELCOME!


Within Educational Services, our English Learner Programs division is dedicated to:
  • Providing professional development to improve and enhance instructional practices for all teachers of English Learners.
  • Updating the Paramount Unified School District’s English Learner Master Plan
  • Coordinating supports in response to ELPAC data
  • Planning for and informing families on the re-designation of English Learner students
  • Maintaining DELAC meetings, minutes, and agendas

In Paramount Unified School District, we are dedicated to ensure that all English Learners will:
  1. Achieve proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English equal to that of their native English-speaking peers as rapidly as possible through instruction that is systematic, articulated, and based on a comprehensive diagnosis of needs.
  2.  Receive Designated English Language Development instruction at the appropriate developmental level of language proficiency.
  3.  Be assessed in all modes of language (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) in various forms (e.g., formative, benchmark, summative) to inform instruction as they advance toward full English competence.
  4.  Receive academic language support through Integrated English Language Development during content area instruction, balanced with structured explicit opportunities for oral and written language skills development. 
  5. Participate in activities and instruction that are meaningful and lead to positive social-emotional development and identity formation. 
The instructional shifts in the CA Standards, NGSS and CA ELD Standards, outline specific implications for English Learners. Furthermore, the Paramount Unified School District Master Plan for English Learners is a local document designed to assist teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, and Board members to create and implement programs that reflect the District’s commitment to English Learners. 
This requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to teaching academic language and disciplinary literacy throughout all curriculum and instruction. In the classroom, teachers attend to the language learning needs of their English Learners in strategic, intentional and differentiated ways that promote the simultaneous development of content knowledge and advanced levels of academic English. Communication and self-expression are encouraged and instruction is adapted based on frequent analysis of student performance in formative and summative assessments. 
English Learners are provided with challenging core curriculum and instruction that develops proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible in order to assist students in becoming productive members of our society. In addition to core programs, English Learners may also participate in classes that specifically target language development. 
Below are the various programs used to develop student’s proficiency in the English language at different grade spans:
Grade span: K-5 Programs, Wonders
Grade Span 6-8, Amplify ELD  English 3D for selected classes  Inside the USA for Newcomers  Lexia English for Newcomers
Grade Span 9-12, Inside the USA for Newcomers,English 3D