General Complaints
If you feel you need to file a formal complaint, we are here to help.
Our goal is always to ensure that all complaints, as the first step, have been initiated for resolution with the school site principal and/or department supervisor. Per Board Policy, concerns at the school site must be addressed at the site with either the student’s teacher or an administrator. Because there are other concerns that are most appropriately resolved at the site level and because site-level personnel can best guide parents as to whom to contact, the school should be the first point of contact. If a complaint that should be addressed at the site level is initiated at the District-level, it will be redirected to the site. The following are examples of items that should be initiated at the site-level:
- Class placement/schedules
- Grading questions and concerns
- Discipline issues
- Teacher-related issues Activity/Athletic issues
- Transportation issues
If you have already made a good faith effort to resolve your concern with your school principal or your concern is not school related, the “Complaints Concerning Employees” form is typically the appropriate form to complete for a general complaint. There are other forms for other types of complaints. These forms or policies are linked below. The use of the wrong form will not prevent the District from reviewing and responding to your concern, but it may delay the process of resolution.
General Complaints (Employees)
To best serve the needs of our employees, concerns about work-related issues should first be addressed with a department supervisor, who will attempt to resolve the matter. If you have already made a good faith effort to resolve your concern with the supervisor or your concern is not related specifically to your employment, the “Complaints Concerning Employees” form is typically the appropriate form to complete for a general complaint.