Science » Grades 6-8

Grades 6-8

In 2018-19, PUSD implemented the Integrated Course Model in grades 6-8 science based on input from science teachers and principals. The Integrated Course Model is the preferred progression by California as it interweaves science disciplines in a developmentally appropriate progression. In each grade, an overarching guiding concept creates a storyline of units sequenced in increasing complexity and detail. Each unit centers on questions about real-world phenomena, which engage students in the science and engineering practices and Crosscutting Concepts to learn about different Disciplinary Core Ideas. Summaries for these storylines are shown below. 
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Grade 6 Integrated Science


Guiding Concept: Systems within organisms and between them are adapted to Earth’s climate systems.


Storyline of Big Ideas:

Guiding Concept: Systems within organisms and between them are adapted to Earth’s climate systems.

Grade 7 Integrated Science


Guiding Concept: Natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth systems.


Storyline of Big Ideas
Natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth systems.

Grade 8 Integrated Science


Guiding Concept: The processes that change Earth systems at different spatial scales today also caused changes in the past.


Storyline of Big Ideas:

Guiding Concept: The processes that change Earth systems at different spatial scales today also caused changes in the past.
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