general student information



Students will be graded based upon the PUSD criteria for academic performance as follows:

NOTE: Students receive five (5) credits per class by receiving a grade of A, B, C, or D in their courses.


The library is open every day before and after school as well as during lunch for students to check out books and complete research for classes. There are a limited number of personal computers available in the library for student use. However, students will need to bring their own disk to save their documents.


Lost items are to be turned in to the Attendance Office.  Students can check in the Attendance Office for any lost items.  Any clothing left after an extended period of time will be given to the needy. Paramount High School is not responsible for items left in the gym locker.


Students who have lost, stolen, or damaged textbooks/library books or athletic/music equipment will incur a debt with Paramount High School.  According to Education Code 48904.3, report cards, grades, diplomas, and transcripts will be withheld from all students who owe debts for damaged, destroyed, stolen, or borrowed district property until parents/guardians have paid for the damages or the items have been returned in the same condition as which they were borrowed. Paramount High School does not accept checks.